NEWS: Man Killed Trimming Trees Near Power Lines
One man was killed and another was seriously injured in an accident…

NEWS: Copper Thief Dies By Electrocution
The partially decomposed body of a man was discovered beneath…

NEWS: In ‘freak accident’ Glen Allen (construction worker) Was Electrocuted
Electrocution Can Cause Tragic Fatality
Even the highest trained…

NEWS: Lightening Strike at Venice Beach Kills Man
Lightening Strike at Venice Beach Kills Man | July 27, 2014

LOCAL NEWS: Truck Fire Still Under Investigation
Continuing Investigation of Truck on Fire
Near Despot on July…

LOCAL NEWS: Extension Cord Starts House Fire
Overloaded extension cord sparks house fire
Wednesday June 18th…

LOCAL NEWS: Electrical Fire In Joppa
Fire Crews, BGE Battle Electrical Fire In Joppa
The volunteer…

LOCAL NEWS: A Recent Story Of Electric Shock Drowning
A Recent Story Of Electric Shock Drowning
Both swimming and…

LOCAL NEWS: Electrocution In Chevy Chase Home
Electricity is something that we all take for granted, yet we…